Dang it's hot. In the evenings there is really no choice but to crack open a cold beer and get to knitting. At least, that's all I've been able to swing in this hideous, oppressive muggy heat.
I'm moaning about the heat right now maybe a little more than ususal because I was driven from the cool interior of the coffee shop and onto the patio by the ceaseless chattering of a very loud-voiced woman who has absolutely nothing to say worth eavesdropping on. Yet she will NOT SHUT UP. The baristas tried turning up the music really really loud, but her voice has a metallic edge to it that carries above the sound system - it's amazing, really. So here I am mooching wireless on the patio, and it's ninety degrees. Whine!
Anyway, above you see the progress on the little sweater I'm making from the salvaged Knit-o-Graf yarn. I am so terrible at intarsia - you can see all the stitches being pulled this way and that. Does the graphic look like a flower? Does it look like a lotus? It's supposed to be a lotus.
So the lotus baby sweater (I am naming it "Baby Om") is about to take a break, because I've just picked up some yarn for some new projects I'm itching to try (and it's too hot to be knitting with alpaca silk right now anyhow).
This cotton fleece is for a pair of punk rock fingerless gloves - a belated birthday gift for my friend Marge. The color is called "raging purple." Marge is going to rage all night in these things.

And this is for my top-down top:

Once again, my camera has failed to produce anything like the actual color of the item. It's a really soft, washed olive. I really like olive. I could wear it every day (when I'm not wearing black). This is a lovely cotton/silk blend - an all-weather blend for the south (unlike these cotton/wool blends that nutty people who live in places like Greenland or New Hampshire call all-weather).
The yammering girl and her friend have left. I don't think her friend said a single word for an entire hour. I guess it's time for me to quit sweating and swatting mosquitoes and go inside. They could turn down the music now, too.
Don't you hate people like that? I have people like that AT WORK! that talk about their love of the president, and how we are right to go to war, and immigrants should leave the country, yadayada. I turn on my ipod REALLY LOUD, and I can still hear them.
ReplyDeleteSheesh. Didn't she know she was disturbing an artist at work? I really, really need to pick up some needles soon. With some yarn, that is. Your posts feed my longing...
ReplyDeleteNasty woman! Every now and then I want to tell people to use and "indoor voice" just like I tell my kids.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am sorry to say that I thought that you were knitting a flying lady bug. But I can see the lotus, now that you mention it. Maybe it could become like an ink blot. "tell me what you see" "hmmmmm, very interesting."
Love the Cotton Fleece!
ReplyDeletei wonder
if i am
that loud
yappy girl
in the coffeeshop.
you are perfect
in almost
every way,
your love
of olive baffles me.
i will
pass on all items
love to you
if you pass
the kelly green
to me.