Sunday, July 01, 2007


Slightly belated, I'm here to rave about my Secret Pal from SP round 10... It's Shannon, from Berrytini!

I received a final package from her the other day. Let's take a peek inside:

ooh, pretty box


Holy cow! Look at all this loot! A new teacup, darning needles with a little case, a great felted Booga Bag pattern with beautiful birch needles and all the yarn to make it... oh, the yarn?

please, no staring

Yes, it's Noro Kureyon. Three scrumptious balls of Noro Kureyon, in an amazing colorway. Oh, that other yarn?


Just a little Nashua Vignette in a colorway that I can only guess is meant to match my blog - perfectly! This may call for a bit of scarf design this fall.

Thank you so much Shannon for being such a wonderful Secret Pal! In case you didn't know, besides being a great knitter and maker of adorable stitch-markers, Shannon is a Rollergirl and a kickass mommy. She and her family just moved all the way across the country - I know you Californians will welcome her with open arms!

I also wanted to introduce you to the prolific Seattle knitter I've been spoiling during this round of Secret Pal 10: It's Emily! There is a lot I could tell you about her (and a lot I already have told about her), but I'd like to let this photo shoot of Emily modeling her recently-completed Jewel Cardigan speak for itself. Can you tell why I love her??

And finally, a big smooch and bon voyage to Saun, who is chasing her life-long dream of fashion design and moving to New York City! I am so excited for her, and so inspired by her determination -- and gutsiness. It's not often someone gives up their comfortable, well-paying job and affordable apartment to chase their life's dreams -- I can't wait to read the chronicles of her adventures at FIT. Go Saun!

nik and saun at the going-away bash - that is the smile of a woman whose dreams are coming true


  1. that is some beeeeutiful noro!!! mmmmmmm....... noro.....

  2. Hey! Small swap world! Shannon was my downstream swap partner in the Favourite Colour Swap Secret Pal exchange.

  3. Oh you lucky duck with the great SPs!!

  4. Oooh beautiful yarn!!!! The Nashua Vignette is gorgeous.

  5. Lovely Noro you've got there! Glad you enjoyed the Jewels cardigan photoshoot. Those rocks are just a block from my apartment so it's a handy photo spot!

  6. what a fantastic secret pal swap... great people giving and receiving! i am drooling over all that yarn. the colors are perfect.
    and yay for moving to nyc and new chapters! :)

  7. dude.
    i am drooling
    your noro.

  8. found you from the Knitlist. Hey, you know Saunshine too!


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