Wednesday, October 03, 2012

welcome, little bee

The newest member of the Pea family arrived last week. This is the Little Bee.

It was a wonderful day for our family. Bee was born on September 27th, my father's birthday. He would have been 63 - we gave her his name to celebrate. He was very much with us throughout the anticipation and the arrival.

It has been indescribably sweet to see my family so full of joy. I feel a deep, contented, peaceful happiness that I've never quite experienced before. It's wonderful.

The Little Pea (not so little anymore) is a terrific big sister. She loves the baby and is all about helping her parents care for her. She's also on emotional high gear as she adjusts to sharing us with her sister, which has been a bit of a roller coaster. Luckily the breastfeeding hormones are keeping me happy and spacey, which helps a lot with toddler management.

Looking forward to knitting itty bitty things again. Next up I think will be a funky animal hat for Hallowen. The Pea is going as a parrot. What should the Bee wear?


  1. Oh my-congrats! What a wonderful gift to have her born on your father's birthday! I'm so glad the joy is returning to your sweet family. It is amazing the way the universe knows just what we need in hard times. Enjoy every second!

  2. Congratulations on the new "pea".How about "peas in a pod" for a costume?

  3. Congratulations! What an perfect choice of day to enter the world.

  4. A flat white blanket so she can be Little Pea Parrot's cracker :)

    Congratulations and what a wonderful blessing that she has arrived on such a perfect day!

  5. What wonderful timing Little Bee has-may this just be the first of many, many joys she brings you!

  6. caroline aka FiberTribeOctober 4, 2012 at 10:57 AM

    Little B should be a pirate, of course! Every pirate worth her salt has a parrot, dontcha know...Congratulations to you all!

  7. Congratulations! My daughter was born on my late father's birthday, too! I've always thought he had something to do with that. Enjoy this precious baby time.

  8. Congratulations! I hope you and the entire family are doing well.

  9. Congratulations to you and your expanded family!

    My eldest son was born on my dad's 60th birthday. I told my dad that he was his present!

  10. Congratulations. How sweet of her to have such thoughtful timing. :)


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